Whether you’re six or eighty-six, digital screen use means you’re likely dealing with digital eye strain. Headaches, dry eyes, blurry vision and neck & shoulder pain are symptoms to watch for.

Several factors can contribute to strain and discomfort. Poor lighting, glare from your screen, poor posture, incorrect viewing distance and undiagnosed vision problems are the most common. If you’re frustrated with your vision, seek the advice of an optical professional.

Your first step is to see your optometrist or ophthalmologist for a comprehensive eye exam. Be sure to share how you use your eyes every day: what type and how many screens you use, the distance to and height of each screen, and the amount of daily hourly use.

Knowing how you use your eyes and details about your vision requirements, your doctor will be able to prescribe the best prescription computer glasses to reduce digital eye strain and help you see better. In addition to the correct refraction (prescription), your doctor may recommend:

  • Specific computer lenses, such as Workspace or Eyezen
  • Blue light-blocking coatings and treatments, such as Prevencia or Blue Zero
  • Best positioning of your monitors
  • Ideal posture for your eyes, neck, and back
  • 20/20/20 Rule: every 20 minutes, look 20 feet into the distance for 20 seconds
  • Best eye drop treatment to prevent dry or red eyes from too much screen time

Digital screen use is part of our everyday lives. Don’t be frustrated with your vision – there are many great solutions for your digital eye strain!