American Foundation for the Blind and have posted a nice online review by Steve Kellye on some important basics in choosing the right computer for yourself, or for a loved one with loss of vision.

They recommend careful evaluation of the most helpful accessibility features.  Although individuals will vary on what works best for them, the consensus is that some degree of both text-to-voice (also known as screen reader) and screen magnification is needed for ideal functionality.  Tablets, Apple iOS devices (iPod, iPad, iPhone), Mac computers, and Windows based computers are reviewed, as well as some of the software programs that work on them.  For the full article, go to

Loss of vision doesn’t mean loss of learning.  Staying connected to information, family and friends is easier than ever.  Local training on devices and computers for adults and seniors can be found in Milwaukee at the technology department at Vision Forward, , and at Adaptive Technology Resources in Grafton, Wisconsin,