Vitamins and Nutrition

Healthy Vision with Dietary Lutein and Zeaxanthin


From Review of Optometry Online May 10, 2018: Healthy vision offers patients more than good eyesight; for many, their quality of life is greatly diminished if their vision is less than adequate. For example, needing help reading a menu or being nervous to drive at night can limit patients’ independence, but nutritional support can help [...]

Healthy Vision with Dietary Lutein and Zeaxanthin2020-07-07T19:45:40+00:00

Practical Tips for Avoiding Diabetes and Sugar Control


Due to the increased prevalence of diabetes, a few basic tips to control diabetes and your blood sugars are listed below for you and your loved ones.  We care about your eyes and health!  Make good lifestyle choices and enjoy each and every day! Tips for Avoiding Diabetes:  Wear a pedometer and get 8,000 to [...]

Practical Tips for Avoiding Diabetes and Sugar Control2020-07-07T19:46:16+00:00

Two Antioxidants In Kale Tied To Lower Risk Of Chronic Eye Diseases


The Boston Globe (2/25, Kotz) “Daily Dose” blog reports that kale contains two antioxidants, “lutein and zeaxanthin,” which “have been associated with a lower risk of chronic eye diseases, including age-related macular degeneration and cataracts, according to the American Optometric Association.” The blog entry provides tips on how to prepare kale. It also warns people [...]

Two Antioxidants In Kale Tied To Lower Risk Of Chronic Eye Diseases2020-07-07T20:03:51+00:00
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