Magnifiers & Assistive Devices
With so many sizes, shapes, powers, focal lengths, and illumination, it’s important to ask your low vision optometrist or ophthalmologist to evaluate your vision and prescribe the best magnification system for your eyes. Many people struggle because they are using the wrong magnifiers for their vision, and then assume that all magnifiers won’t help their vision!
Different Types of Vision Loss Result from Different Eye Diseases
There are special devices, magnifiers, lights, and filters to help eyes with macular degeneration, glaucoma, and other conditions. New technology is available to give a person with visual impairment independence and enhanced quality of life.
Wearable Assistive Technology
OrCam is an intuitive wearable device with a smart camera designed to assist people who are visually impaired. OrCam gives independence and enhances quality of life. It’s a powerful low vision tool when all other options are exhausted.
OrCam is a smart camera mounted on your eye glasses and process visual input in real time. Orcam reads text on signs, books and your phone instantly. You can enter products you use everyday and it will recognize and read aloud what it is you are looking at. It even recognizes faces and announces people you know.
Low Vision Rehabilitation Includes:
Functional Vision is a person’s ability to integrate the components of vision to effectively accomplish a life task, such as reading, writing, self-care, cooking, and getting around.
During a functional visual assessment, the doctor identifies how a person uses their vision to accomplish a task. It is more than just measuring the smallest line a person can read off of an acuity chart, or recording a map of a person’s field of vision. Functional vision is the way a person uses their vision to live and thrive.
Low Vision Examinations are currently offered by Dr. Christina Petrou at two Milwaukee area locations: for more information, call Petrou Eye Care in Glendale at 414-247-2020.